Harvard Kennedy School, Public Leadership Credential, November 2020


People from every corner of the globe seek Harvard Kennedy School thought leadership on public policy and public leadership education, but not all learners have the time or flexibility to attend courses on campus. Developed to expand access to public leaders dedicated to public good, the Public Leadership Credential equips learners everywhere with adaptive problem-solving skills to address some of the world’s biggest challenges.

Whatever your goals for change in your community, job, or industry, the PLC offers a series of courses to help you improve your decision-making, leadership, and policymaking skills. Whether you decide to take one course or complete the entire credential, you will develop a toolkit of skills to take immediate action while you learn. The 100 percent online program is a reflection of Harvard Kennedy School’s mission to improve public policy and public leadership across the United States and around the world so that people can lead safer, freer, and more prosperous lives.